Rapture Analysis


In this series of Articles we analyze the wildly popular theory of the Pretribulation Rapture. There have probably been several Billions of Dollars of books and movies made in recent years on this popular doctrine, but it is really Biblical? We break it down, and compare the teachings of this doctrine with scripture.

PART 1: Problems with the Pretribulation Rapture: In this article we begin with what is taught as the fundamental verse supporting a pretribulation rapture. We show that by carefully studying this verse in context, it provides three very strong witnesses that the “rapture” or the gathering of the saints to be with Jesus occurs at the END of the Tribulation, not prior to it.

PART 2: Problems with the Pretribulation Rapture: In this article we examine a very clear passage describing the timing of Christ gathering together the saints to be with him. The verses analysed are 2 Thes. 2:1-4

PART 3: Problems with the Pretribulation Rapture: In this article we dive further into the topic by examining Matthew 24:3-29. In this passage, the disciples clearly ask Jesus for a description of the end times and His second coming. Jesus provides a detailed and easy to understand answer, including the timing of the rapture, or His gathering together of believers.

PART 4: Problems with the Pretribulation Rapture: This article further examines the timing of End Times events by analyzing Revelation and the timing of the Resurrection. This chapter teaches that the saints are resurrected at the end of the tribulation and this is the “First Resurrection”. If this is the First Resurrection, how could Billions of Christians have been resurrected seven years earlier in a pre tribulation Rapture/Resurrection? This would make the resurrection in Revelation the Second Resurrection, not the First.

PART 5: Problems with the Pretribulation Rapture: We will examine the heart of Christ by looking at His prayers. In two places we see His prayers reflect a clear teaching that believers will be protected through tribulation, not taken out of tribulation.

PART 6: Problems with the Pretribulation Rapture: In this article we examine more specific details showing Biblical teaching that the “rapture” can not occur until after the tribulation. Specifically, 2 Thes 1:3-10 teaches that we enter God’s rest when Christ returns to bring vengeance on His enemies.

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